07850 220661 | 07813 692835 hello@britishbabybox.com
We are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted for a prestigious national award.
British Baby Box is a finalist in the innovation category of the NatWest Great British Entrepreneur Awards – and we will find out if it is a winner at a glittering awards ceremony on November 21st.
This event acknowledges the hard work and inspiring stories of businesses in Great Britain and has celebrated some outstanding entrepreneurs who have gone on to become household names.
In the last 18 months we have worked hard to give a Scandinavian concept a homegrown twist which has helped us stand out in the UK market.
We pride ourselves on being 100% British. Not only are our baby boxes created by British designers, but everything in is sourced in the UK too.
This allows us to support and promote British manufacturing and champion British companies who create luxury apparel and accessories for young children, using the finest British materials and the finest British craftsmanship.
It is therefore very fitting for us to get a stamp of approval from the British Entrepreneur Awards.
Creator of the NatWest Great British Entrepreneur Awards, Francesca Russell, said British Baby Box had impressed judges which include Dragon’s Den investor James Caan.
She said: “These awards celebrate the story behind these people – true entrepreneurs are as much about their story as they are about their balance sheet.”
The baby box concept began in Finland where, for the last 80 years, every newborn baby has been gifted one by the state.
The box acts as a baby’s first bed and has been credited for being a contributing factor in reducing Finland’s infant mortality rate to one of the lowest in the world.

British Baby Box meets all British safety standards.