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At British Baby Box we believe every mother should feel excitement, not fear when pregnant.
But too many women are dying needlessly in childbirth because they do not have access to the medical care they need to give birth safely.
This month we are delighted to be supporting the charity It Takes a Village.
It Takes a Village is bringing together parents, organisations and healthcare professionals who want to make pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother.
Together we are providing training for local health professionals, emergency transport for mothers in labour, as well as supporting health facilities in hard to reach areas across Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Join us today by:
Making a personal donation in celebration of the birth of your baby or a friend’s baby. The donation will support another mother around the world to access vital healthcare.
Taking on a challenge. Improve your health by raising money to transform the health of mums everywhere.
Buying a Luxury British Baby Box and hearing more about It Takes a Village