07850 220661 | 07813 692835 hello@britishbabybox.com
We recently sent Little Me of London one of our bespoke British Baby Boxes and loved Tiffany’s blog and adorable photo of her little one so much that we needed to share this again!!!
‘We love a new mummy business here at Little Me London, which is why we couldn’t resist the story behind the wonderful British baby Box.
Started by two mummies who wanted all babies to have the best start in life, the British Baby box is a comfortable, portable and safe place for all babies to sleep. Working like a fabulous starter kit, the Baby Box comes armed with everything a new parent needs…from clothes and bedding to toys and information.
Think of it like this. You’re a newly pregnant mummy who is completely overwhelmed will all of the ‘must have baby essentials’ on the market. Instead of siting back and enjoying your pregnancy you are spending hours sat at your computer ordering baby products online and wondering if you have got everything you need.
Fast forward to The Baby Box. By ordering one of these genius boxes, you literally don’t have to worry about anything else for your little one. It comes armed with a mattress and sheets, and then you can add added extras to your box such as bibs, body suits, scented candles, muslins and bottom butter!
Sounds ideal? You can get yours here www.britishbabybox.com.
And for those mummies who like to keep your nursery clean and tidy, the box soon doubles as fabulous storage for when you baby no longer fits in it!’.
Weather its a pair of 100% organic cotton baby mitts or a Neon Tranquility Scent to Sleep Candle for Mum, bespoke your Baby Box today and receive FREE UK delivery.