07850 220661 | 07813 692835 hello@britishbabybox.com
We have always had a passion to support Charities by providing Baby Boxes to those parents who desperately need them. We have had been proud to supply Baby Boxes to hospitals in Syria and also worked with Save the Children to provide 6000 Baby Boxes to refuge camps in Greece.
Closer to home we work with many grass roots Charities and today we wanted to tell you a little bit about Baby Bank Tendering.
In 2018 Georgia set up Baby Bank Tendering and is currently collecting donations and then distributing pre-loved and new items of baby clothing up to 5 years and equipment to parents/carers in the local community who need this service.
The process is simple…. Throughout the community, people are referred to Baby Bank Tendering who can then collect the items they need.
There are four hubs set up over the Tendering areas including, Harwich at The Ark Centre, Sydney House in Clacton working with the Barnardos team, Jaywick with the inclusions and Walton at their local community centre.
Susan & I visited Georgia and her team at the community centre and spent the morning seeing how things worked. We were inspired to see how much there was to offer, from food boxes kindly donated by Asda to beautiful new pyjamas, socks, coats… the list goes on and on…
The community centre also supports the local playgroup/nursery so it was a great opportunity for people to pop in, collect some essentials and even have a cup of tea and biscuit.
We were so inspired by our visit that we recently donated a small number of our Adorable British Baby Boxes to Baby Bank Tendering, knowing they will be given to parents who will really appreciate them.
We look forward to continuing to support Georgia and her team, so if we can help you, contact us today – hello@britishbabybox.com.