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We all know that the most common month for babies to be born is September – well if you didn’t before, you do now – but have you really ever thought about why? Obviously, in the UK at least, we feel most romantic at Christmas and with the pennies dwindling in January, what else is there to do but get it on?! So naturally, the most babies are born in September.

With Valentine’s Day coming up we’ve looked at the likelihood of more babies being conceived this weekend and it’s pretty high! With Friday, Saturday and Sunday the top days for baby-making and the romance levels increased because of Valentine’s Day – it’s on a Sunday this year – it’s quite likely that those friends who keep talking about trying for a baby, will conceive around Valentine’s Day.

That being said, November 7th, exactly 38.5weeks – the average gestation time – after Valentine’s Day, is only the 236th most popular birthday. This is mainly down to the fact that gestation periods can vary by as much as 72 days and Valentine’s Day is only one. Christmas by comparison, is a period of several days where the eggnog and oysters might be working their magic, resulting in higher birth rates in September.

A study carried out by the NHS in February 2020, estimated that 16,263 babies would be conceived during Valentine’s week last year. That’s up 6% from the average during other weeks of the year, with only Christmas showing a higher spike in the bedroom activities. The survey also showed that conception rates drop drastically just two weeks after Valentine’s Day, and with lockdown restrictions (hopefully) lifting soon and everyone wanting to get out and enjoy themselves, now is the time to get jiggy!

Since the first lockdown in March 2020, there has been a significant increase in expectant parents in the UK. Well what else do you do when you’re stuck at home?! But with shops now shut and the baby boom still thriving, what do you get the new parents-to-be to celebrate the arrival of their precious bundle? That’s where we come in! From gorgeous sleepsuits, to our Luxury Baby Box that encompasses everything that mum and baby might need to feel extra special, we’ve got it covered! We can even put together a bespoke box, so get in touch or shop online now.

Have a good weekend everyone – we know what you’ll be doing!

We look forward to speaking to you about your new bump very soon.

Sarah & Susan at British Baby Box