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Loved And Curly

Building confidence, happiness and pride!

I had the absolute pleasure to speak to Vicky – owner of Loved & Curly. Vicky’s story of working in the social care field and fostering is inspiring, so we had to share this blog…..

Do you ever find yourself saying – I wish I knew how to manage this better? At Loved and Curly we know how difficult the journey can be. We know as parents how we want to be content not only in ourselves, but want to build confidence, happiness and pride in our children. We understand how difficult that journey can be; those moments of feeling lost and uncertain. We understand the sadness that comes with hearing your child express ‘I hate my hair. We understand those feelings of wanting to do more to build that sense of confidence, happiness and pride as opposed to those feelings of an uncertain belonging. 

We feel this starts with managing and unlocking the wonder found in our hair. Noticing the growth in confidence as we embrace the differences in our hair, and how we can manage this to appreciate the differences in each other. We want to share our journey with others: the techniques, products and tips we have learnt to not only care for and manage hair, but hear ourselves and our children express not only “I love my hair”, but ‘I love me!’ Yes curly hair can be dry, prone to breakage, easily tangled, shrinks and frizzes – Yes curly hair can be all these things without the right products and knowledge; but it is also full of wonderful character, and when cared for properly it is a building block to feeling confident, happy and proud.

As a husband and wife team, we fully appreciate the love and encouragement we give to our children to enable them to flourish. We also have vast experience working in the social care field, we have worked in children’s residential homes; we have also fostered and supported foster carers. From our experiences we have seen children often enter the care system and placed with carers of different ethnicity to their own. Carers who are unsure of the cultural needs of these children and trying their best to support them, to make these children feel valued and loved. We recognise a need to offer support, guidance and knowledge; alongside specialised products to enable those carers to build these children up with confidence, happiness and pride. As such we have begun to work local councils and fostering agencies to provide starter packs and guidance: ensuring these children receive the opportunity they deserve to value themselves, and be valued in return.

Please come and take a look at our website at www.lovedandcurly.com
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