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Being a first time mum is such a life changing experience in so many ways. Our children are slightly older now but here are a few things Susan & I would have done differently.

Susan – Breastfeeding

I always thought I would breastfeed for all four of my children, but it wasn’t as easy as that. My ‘first time mum’ experience was totally drowned out by a difficult birth. My mental health, and physical health straight after labour were not the best. I was suffering from birth trauma and going through a very difficult time mentally and physically and I tried to put breastfeeding before anything else.. It just didn’t work for me. I vowed to never put myself through that kind of pressure again. Which leads nicely to our second point.

Sarah – Pressure

None of my friends had children, so I had to rely on a book written by Gina Ford.  It was my birthing bible! I felt as though I had to know everything and put so much pressure on myself to ‘be a good mum’. I knew nothing, but wouldn’t allow myself to ask for help. I thought I should know it all, which was just ridiculous. I should have enjoyed being a novice and asked for as much help as possible.

Sarah – Visitors 

When I had my first daughter, I arrived home to a house full of family… All meaning well, it was a nightmare, as I still felt I needed to make cups of tea as no one knew where anything was… It was stressful! My personal advice, say no visitors for the first 2-4 weeks or make sure they arrive with their own drinks and snacks!

Susan – Holidays 

This is one of those things I regret. I did not go on holiday with my children until I became a mum of two, whereby my husband practically forced me to. The fear of the unknown put me off and instead we ended up having our first family holiday with two toddlers. Flying on a plane with one baby would definitely have been easier than with two toddlers and you know what, it really wasn’t that bad!

Sarah & Susan – Happiness 

No matter what, try your best to enjoy being a new mum. It really is a special experience.  As the saying goes.. Happy Mum= Happy Baby!!


Sarah & Susan